Debt collection, attachment procedures, benkruptcy and insolvency procedures

In an economic context that has been in distress for years, it is essential to assist clients (including private clients, but mostly corporate clients) in all activities aimed at recovering their commercial and non-commercial credits.

The firm cooperates with primary banks in the litigation and enforcement phases of the recovery of bad debts.

The firm also advises and provides assistance to companies in financial crisis to assess and adopt the best solutions and procedures to deal with the crisis.


  • management of debt collection starting from pre-judicial phases;
  • actions for assessment of debts and credits;
  • targeted attachment actions, both on movable and immovable goods; participation to insolvency and bankruptcy procedures;
  • agreements with creditors and procedures to manage over-indebtedness;
  • access to insolvency and bankruptcy procedures and assistance throughout their whole course.

Main strengths:

  • apreventive analysis of the estimated chances of obtaining results;
  • access to databases and sources of information, including public records of the tax authorities;
  • timely actions to increase chances of success;
  • consolidated collaboration with external experts in over-indebtment procedures and management bodies.

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