
Born in Merate on January 22, 1988 Elisabetta Crippa, after a high school diploma in foreign languages, in 2010 obtained a three-year degree in Science for Legal Services Operators and in 2013 a full law degree at the University of Milan Bicocca, with a dissertation in comparative private law titled «Punitive damages e Strafschaden: la funzione sanzionatoria della responsabilità extracontrattuale in chiave comparatistica».

In the same year, she started her trainee lawyer practice at a law firm in Lecco, receiving general training in all areas of law.

In the 2014-2015 session, she passed the bar exam at the Court of Appeal in Milano and was admitted to practice as an attorney-at-law.

Since 2016 she is working as a lawyer at Studio Gallasso & Associati, where she could enhance her expertise in her favorite fields of law, both with respect to private law – with a particular focus on family law and extra-contractual liability – and to criminal law, a subject for which she is passionate since the beginning of her professional career.

In this last regard, she attended the «Biennial Training and Professional Update Course in Criminal Law», organized by the Criminal Law Chamber of Como and Lecco, and she enrolled in the list of public defenders of the Court of Lecco.

Elisabetta Crippa is also enrolled in the lists of administrators and delegates for court-enforced sales at the Tribunal of Lecco, for attachment and bankruptcy procedures.

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